Friday 12 July 2024

Ghost in the Shell review

Number 344 on the top 1000 films of all time is the Japanese neo-noir, cyber punk anime 'Ghost in the Shell.'

Set in a dystopic 2029, we see a contingent of cyber-netically enhanced police officers hunting down a mysterious hacker called the 'Puppet-Master.'

I've never meshed well with anime. Other than Studio Ghibli, and Pokemon, which is hardly the apex of the genre, I've never been a fan. I've not properly watched anime or had any desire to; that's not going to change with Ghost in the Shell. I found this film unengaging, not interesting and downright boring at times.

Perhaps there's another reason I thought this. I don't get on with science-fiction either. Too many times it's a vehicle for writers to show off how clever they are. That's what Ghost in the Shell felt like. There's nothing wrong with having a simple narrative, if it works. Ghost in the Shell didn't work for me especially the extended sequences where nothing really happened.

Although the music and animation were gorgeous, I'm not going to become an anime afficionado anytime soon. But that's just me. Obviously, I'm in the minority with this opinion.

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